After I Graduate, This is Where I Might Find Myself

After I Graduate, This is Where I Might Find Myself
Travel Travel Travel

Ed Frum LIVE Said

Life is like a shooting star, it don't matter who you are; If you only run for cover - it's just a waste of time*

I've always believed it is better to give than to receive. But if ever there was a day that I received as much as I gave, then I would be in bliss.

4 Days After...


My Everyday is Worth 10,000 Words


Love and pain are one in the same in the eyes of a wounded child

(I seen it in a television)

Sadness is better than laughter: for by the countenance the heart is made better.

Ecclesiastes 7:3

Two Years Ago, This Is Where I Said I Wished I'll Ultimately Be...

Two Years Ago, This Is Where I Said I Wished I'll Ultimately Be...
Two Years Later, Here & Now, I'm Livin Proof Of The Truth In Them Wishes*

Words of the Wise

"I've face my demons wrestling these angels to the ground....

and all that I could find.... Was a thin line between all the saints and villains... It Was Crossed...
In my own mind."

*~ Jason Wade of LifeHouse ~*

"Everyone can know what is in my heart because I find it hard to conceal myself.


"When We Dream, Our Souls Leave Our Body."

My Philosophy Professor Prakash

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.


~My Dad~

He already knows*

The Morning After...

The Morning After...
~The First Time I Actually Slept On The Beach~

~What It Is~

Though This Is Technically Called A "Blog," I Refer To It As An 'Internet Book' That Is An Electronic Journal, Diary, or Record of My Adventures In The Caribbean. Do Not Mind The Length or Language. This is an interpersonal transcription of what I think, feel, see, live, and experience here.

And For The Record, I DO Believe In God and Praise The Lord* Regarding all Hardships and Challenges in Life: I Always felt that if God Would Bring You To It, He Will Bring You Through It. I Am A Man of Faith & Ambition and I Have Always Took Inspiration and Motivation Seriously. You Only Have One Life To Live & I Have Made It A Point To Refuse To Let Life And My Dreams Pass Me By. I Have Never Let My Fire Die. And I Was Never Scared or Afraid of Putting Myself In The World I Never Knew. I Never Had Cold Feet To Leave And Pursue My Dreams. This Is Another Account That Proves These Things To Be True*

Regardless of Who Knows or Not.

And There ain't No Way I Wouldn't Say It: I HAVE THE GREATEST PARENTS IN THE WORLD:

Robert & Connie*

~*My Dad Is A King And My Mother Is An Angel*~

My Parents are more Powerful than the Federal Reserve. I would not Doubt it if Some Day, the world knew it.

I Thought of Who I Miss and Wish To Be Included for These Dreamy Days. Never Meant to Leave*

The First Day I Was Here, A Woman Met Me & Within 10 Minutes, She Guessed a Lot About Me...

And She Gave Me This. A Piece Of Paper. It Read...

How To Be An Artist

Stay Loose. Learn to watch snails. Plant impossible gardens. Invite someone dangerous to tea. Make little signs that say YES! And post them all over your house. Make friends with freedom and uncertainty. Look forward to dreams. Cry during movies. Swing as high as you can on a swingset, by moonlight. Cultivate moods. Refuse to “be responsible.” Do it for love. Take lots of naps. Give money away. Do it now. The money will follow. Believe in magic. Laugh a lot. Celebrate every gorgeous moment. Take moon baths. Have wild imagings. Transform dreams, and perfect calm. Draw on walls. Read everyday. Imagine yourself magic. Giggle with children. Listen to old people. Open up. Dive in. Be free. Bless yourself. Drive away fear. Play with everything. Entertain your inner child. You are innocent. Build a fort with blankets. Get wet. Hug trees. Write love letters.


Peace is not something you wish for; it is something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give others.


Create understanding and appreciation for our differences that raises confidence and dignity while inspiring mutual trust, personal responsibility, increased cooperation, and greater acceptance as unique individuals.

(Peace and Friendship Were From The Book: Men are from Mars, Women are From Venus)

A Determined Person*

A Determined Person*
Yet, I Had A Lot On My Mind...

After I Wrote The Beginning in 8th Grade; A Decade Later, In My Inauguration, It Was Said...

"Taking The human species to a newer and higher stage of development can never be performed by men in the mass. It is always performed by the few exceptional individuals who break through the stereotypes and assert their own idiosyncratic selves. In consequence, the men who carry the evolutionary drive in them are bound to seem unreasonable to their fellows, and to be unreasonable by existing standards. They speak for the virtue of an unbreakable, concentrated, and eccentric vision; for ecstasy, and for the power of an original mind to draw the world after it."

"They Do Not Seek Agreement With Others."

Fredrick Nietzsche

She Rushed Up From the Waters

"Lucky We Were Both That Far Away So We Could both Make Fun Of Distance"


The Word 'Vida' Means Discovery...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Something Really Scary Almost Happened To Me Today....

Something bad almost happened to me today. I was kind of afraid. This island is weird sometimes. Some people here are not like the people I am used to. I was almost at the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm glad I'm safe...

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I think I've decided to conclude my cyber dairy and record of this life transition. I've realized recently after I was able to get a lot of restful sleep, that I can't keep putting myself on blast. Some of the controversy reminds me of my earlier years and I've took someone's advice about whats goin' on. I guess I should say that after these recent 4 weeks, I've managed to adapt to the things I have happening. This internet journal for The National Student Exchange back at home in Ashland, I think its lended itself well as a manuscript. I've proved my points to myself and everyone else I've needed to about some of what I do and how I do it. Right now I'm just ready to embark on whats next. This whole internet journal may have been a way to help me modify my life by what I've experienced. But as of now, I guess it could be best to let life live itself. All things will makes sense when they should. What ever is supposed to happen will.

I guess recently, I've looked over some of the material I've created, and I've sensed a lack of balance because of culture shock, and the life choices and chances that manifested themselves to me. I remember everything of course. But I've also noticed that my sleeping pattern went crazy which made me feels things that were out of the ordinary. I should probably acknowledge why I began to fall behind on a lot of sleep because doing so, it kinda made my amygdala swell a little. I guess it may have been my room. My residence here at UVI, I was always frustrated with excessive heat. I don't know anyone that CAN sleep in a sauna. I lost a lot of focus and may have conveyed things that now happen to be against better judgment.

I couldn't sleep in all the excessive heat waves and my room failed to be air condition as I wasn't even provided with a fan. So I kept taking lots of naps where I could but could never get a full, decent night's rest. I have been able to recently. But I also knew that every time I actually DID get to sleep in my residence, a buncha spiders and mosquitoes kept eating my feet when I sleep. I already got crazy scars and I don't like tarantulas : ) But after a four week course. I feel level and ready to take things in. So I guess I can relax about transcribing any manuscripts about these adventures and life lessons. It dawned on me that spirit and machine don't coincide with each other really well so it is easy for someone like me to become misunderstood through computers due to how I talk better than type. I can be too spirited to be interpreted correctly through a 2-demensional world that doesn't relay HOW I would say things. I guess I was just infatuated with internet for a while after I almost passed on. It's been a season since then. Here where I am though, summer is extended. It might be crazy to abandon the equator of an endless summer and then render reverse culture shock again goin' in to a winter wonderland. But I have discovered other endeavors to make happen. And maybe some of these experiences and enlightenments are as they should be right now. Things are cool.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

An Attempt To Recall a Few of These Recent Days....

I know I was gonna go and record some video about some tropical baby tortoises comin' up out of their egg shells. They were gonna run to the sand and find their new-found baby turtle marine life after being born and hatched. I was running to the beach to see this because I thought I was gonna be late. About half-way there, the flip-flop on my sandals caught the concrete and ripped my toe nail off my skin. That was a RUSH. I started bleeding everywhere I walked. Even in the sand on the beach and the water in the bay. I was growlin' for about 15/20 minutes.

I also had some work fall into my lap. I'm gonna be running chainsaws and clearing a lot of tropic forestry and playin' with machines. That's cool. My scuba course went awesome. I've already got it all down so I swam deep into the water and stayed under water for about an hour or two. I swam pretty far away from the shore with these tanks on my back. It was a blast. I also found people who are putting me through to the 'audio world' is what they called it. My boy D* is probably the funniest person I've met here so far. He's like, "Awright Crum, whats yo protocol?" I just laughed my ass off at him. It was true laughter man. It made me feel good. There are still some things that are pending within me. But aside from all of that, in my history class with Mr. Sekou, he is letting my internet book pass as the final assignment. Apparently, they all love to listen to what I say in that class. On Monday the 1st, we had the most engaged, enlightened, and intellectual class session ever. We spoke of the 4 voyages and how these islands became named for what they are. We also spoke of the mayan codes and prophecies that are just right around the corner. We talked about this nation and what it is and how it is launching the world into war and destruction. I think I am going to write my own passage about that class because for everything I retained, it deserves its own transcription.

I also have been rendering some culture shock a little bit too. I am kind of cut off from the world I once knew back at home. It's times like that when I wish I had someone to talk to. There are only so many people here who know me to an extent. I wish to God I could talk to my room mate that I've tried to get ahold of for weeks now. I keep getting hilarious flashbacks about some of the funniest fading memories with me and my friends. But I think last night was the first decent night of rest that I've had in weeks. A lot of people here keep asking about those videos I've uploaded into youtube. They said that an idea like that hasn't been done here before. They described it to be 'Hot,' (was their words). I told them its hilarious to make a video dairy about some hilarious experiences. : ) And they have also been finding out about my cyber diaries. When I got interviewed for the Virgin Island News Paper, they believed it to be remarkable for the reasons I gave them and how and why I brought myself here. It's crazy though because even though I put so much into the internet, I never know who sees what when, and how many people actually come across a lot of the things I do. Random people seem to know who I am and they engage in conversations with me for knowing some of the things that I do or confide through youtube or my electronic diaries (or journals, depending on how you view them). It is kind of crazy because each day seems to have an unexpected surprise. Some things still really make me wonder though....