After I Graduate, This is Where I Might Find Myself

After I Graduate, This is Where I Might Find Myself
Travel Travel Travel

Ed Frum LIVE Said

Life is like a shooting star, it don't matter who you are; If you only run for cover - it's just a waste of time*

I've always believed it is better to give than to receive. But if ever there was a day that I received as much as I gave, then I would be in bliss.

4 Days After...


My Everyday is Worth 10,000 Words


Love and pain are one in the same in the eyes of a wounded child

(I seen it in a television)

Sadness is better than laughter: for by the countenance the heart is made better.

Ecclesiastes 7:3

Two Years Ago, This Is Where I Said I Wished I'll Ultimately Be...

Two Years Ago, This Is Where I Said I Wished I'll Ultimately Be...
Two Years Later, Here & Now, I'm Livin Proof Of The Truth In Them Wishes*

Words of the Wise

"I've face my demons wrestling these angels to the ground....

and all that I could find.... Was a thin line between all the saints and villains... It Was Crossed...
In my own mind."

*~ Jason Wade of LifeHouse ~*

"Everyone can know what is in my heart because I find it hard to conceal myself.


"When We Dream, Our Souls Leave Our Body."

My Philosophy Professor Prakash

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.


~My Dad~

He already knows*

The Morning After...

The Morning After...
~The First Time I Actually Slept On The Beach~

~What It Is~

Though This Is Technically Called A "Blog," I Refer To It As An 'Internet Book' That Is An Electronic Journal, Diary, or Record of My Adventures In The Caribbean. Do Not Mind The Length or Language. This is an interpersonal transcription of what I think, feel, see, live, and experience here.

And For The Record, I DO Believe In God and Praise The Lord* Regarding all Hardships and Challenges in Life: I Always felt that if God Would Bring You To It, He Will Bring You Through It. I Am A Man of Faith & Ambition and I Have Always Took Inspiration and Motivation Seriously. You Only Have One Life To Live & I Have Made It A Point To Refuse To Let Life And My Dreams Pass Me By. I Have Never Let My Fire Die. And I Was Never Scared or Afraid of Putting Myself In The World I Never Knew. I Never Had Cold Feet To Leave And Pursue My Dreams. This Is Another Account That Proves These Things To Be True*

Regardless of Who Knows or Not.

And There ain't No Way I Wouldn't Say It: I HAVE THE GREATEST PARENTS IN THE WORLD:

Robert & Connie*

~*My Dad Is A King And My Mother Is An Angel*~

My Parents are more Powerful than the Federal Reserve. I would not Doubt it if Some Day, the world knew it.

I Thought of Who I Miss and Wish To Be Included for These Dreamy Days. Never Meant to Leave*

The First Day I Was Here, A Woman Met Me & Within 10 Minutes, She Guessed a Lot About Me...

And She Gave Me This. A Piece Of Paper. It Read...

How To Be An Artist

Stay Loose. Learn to watch snails. Plant impossible gardens. Invite someone dangerous to tea. Make little signs that say YES! And post them all over your house. Make friends with freedom and uncertainty. Look forward to dreams. Cry during movies. Swing as high as you can on a swingset, by moonlight. Cultivate moods. Refuse to “be responsible.” Do it for love. Take lots of naps. Give money away. Do it now. The money will follow. Believe in magic. Laugh a lot. Celebrate every gorgeous moment. Take moon baths. Have wild imagings. Transform dreams, and perfect calm. Draw on walls. Read everyday. Imagine yourself magic. Giggle with children. Listen to old people. Open up. Dive in. Be free. Bless yourself. Drive away fear. Play with everything. Entertain your inner child. You are innocent. Build a fort with blankets. Get wet. Hug trees. Write love letters.


Peace is not something you wish for; it is something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give others.


Create understanding and appreciation for our differences that raises confidence and dignity while inspiring mutual trust, personal responsibility, increased cooperation, and greater acceptance as unique individuals.

(Peace and Friendship Were From The Book: Men are from Mars, Women are From Venus)

A Determined Person*

A Determined Person*
Yet, I Had A Lot On My Mind...

After I Wrote The Beginning in 8th Grade; A Decade Later, In My Inauguration, It Was Said...

"Taking The human species to a newer and higher stage of development can never be performed by men in the mass. It is always performed by the few exceptional individuals who break through the stereotypes and assert their own idiosyncratic selves. In consequence, the men who carry the evolutionary drive in them are bound to seem unreasonable to their fellows, and to be unreasonable by existing standards. They speak for the virtue of an unbreakable, concentrated, and eccentric vision; for ecstasy, and for the power of an original mind to draw the world after it."

"They Do Not Seek Agreement With Others."

Fredrick Nietzsche

She Rushed Up From the Waters

"Lucky We Were Both That Far Away So We Could both Make Fun Of Distance"


The Word 'Vida' Means Discovery...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Orientation Day!

This was when it all really began man. A lot of the Caribbean women for the UVI staff know me good and acknowledge me well. Especially Samantha. They are pretty stoked that I'm here because they are curious of what I'll get outta this experience.

As we began orientation, they all noticed how much food I eat and juice I drink. I tell they asses, "Yeah, Hell Yeah, I AM a full grown MAN. They just started gigglin' at me. I came to find out that I'm only ONE of SIX students from the States that is here from the National Student Exchange. I am 1 of 6 of the NSE students here. I think I am the only man here as well, other than my room mate Nick, who is quit younger than me. He uis a good kid though.

Anyways, I got a big badass plate full of food and about 4 juices. My lady friend here, Jordan, she asked if I pee a lot. She was just kiddin' of course. I smiled because it was funny. As I sat down, the whole gymnasium was very decked out and gorgeous. Lavish tables and conference oriented set-ups. I've always been incredibly unique. But here, I look different than every body else so they are not shy about asking things of me. They are not shy to try and get to know me. It seems that I am held in a high regard here as it is. I am here with a beard and a bandanna. They speak to me very hospitably. They are all really cool. They go outta their way to say whats up and see whats up.

As I was in line for the food, a staff faculty member that is a colleague of the President, he is a powerful person here in the University, he asked me, "Hey Justin, how are you this morning? Did you have a late night last night?"

I was like, "Nah, not really man." He said, "You didn't have a late night huh?"

"Nah, I just went swimming last night." "You WHAT?"

"I Went swimmin' last night. Is that crazy or sumthin?"

He said, "Don't do that Justin. Don't do that man." I was like, "Why? Every one keeps tellin' me its dangerous. Whats to worry about?"

"They did say it was dangerous."

"Last night I told they asses that I was gonna do it and damn it, I did it. They kept tellin' me 'Thats dangerous Justin.' I heard it from four people in 10 minutes."

He asked, "What did you tell them when they told you it was dangerous?"

"Danger. Danger. Danger. I luv dat shit." : )
(They all laughed and thought I was brave and courageous for sayin some shit)

I acknowledged that I just got back from Ireland and that I'm the type of person that would go into a war-zone and care less I guess. I DID go to Northern Ireland.

He was like, "Justin Don't do that at night, awright?"

"So when people say its dangerous, do they mean 'creepy evil people' or do they mean crazy sea creatures like barracudas & sharks? Wussup?"

He replied like, "Justin, you'll give campus security hell if you do that man."

"Well I made it look easy and it was a blast! :) That water is just as warm as the air and I'll be there everyday. submerged to my shoulders, with no remorse."

He started laughin' and he was like, "Man, your crazy huh?" I was like, "Yeah."

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