After I Graduate, This is Where I Might Find Myself

After I Graduate, This is Where I Might Find Myself
Travel Travel Travel

Ed Frum LIVE Said

Life is like a shooting star, it don't matter who you are; If you only run for cover - it's just a waste of time*

I've always believed it is better to give than to receive. But if ever there was a day that I received as much as I gave, then I would be in bliss.

4 Days After...


My Everyday is Worth 10,000 Words


Love and pain are one in the same in the eyes of a wounded child

(I seen it in a television)

Sadness is better than laughter: for by the countenance the heart is made better.

Ecclesiastes 7:3

Two Years Ago, This Is Where I Said I Wished I'll Ultimately Be...

Two Years Ago, This Is Where I Said I Wished I'll Ultimately Be...
Two Years Later, Here & Now, I'm Livin Proof Of The Truth In Them Wishes*

Words of the Wise

"I've face my demons wrestling these angels to the ground....

and all that I could find.... Was a thin line between all the saints and villains... It Was Crossed...
In my own mind."

*~ Jason Wade of LifeHouse ~*

"Everyone can know what is in my heart because I find it hard to conceal myself.


"When We Dream, Our Souls Leave Our Body."

My Philosophy Professor Prakash

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.


~My Dad~

He already knows*

The Morning After...

The Morning After...
~The First Time I Actually Slept On The Beach~

~What It Is~

Though This Is Technically Called A "Blog," I Refer To It As An 'Internet Book' That Is An Electronic Journal, Diary, or Record of My Adventures In The Caribbean. Do Not Mind The Length or Language. This is an interpersonal transcription of what I think, feel, see, live, and experience here.

And For The Record, I DO Believe In God and Praise The Lord* Regarding all Hardships and Challenges in Life: I Always felt that if God Would Bring You To It, He Will Bring You Through It. I Am A Man of Faith & Ambition and I Have Always Took Inspiration and Motivation Seriously. You Only Have One Life To Live & I Have Made It A Point To Refuse To Let Life And My Dreams Pass Me By. I Have Never Let My Fire Die. And I Was Never Scared or Afraid of Putting Myself In The World I Never Knew. I Never Had Cold Feet To Leave And Pursue My Dreams. This Is Another Account That Proves These Things To Be True*

Regardless of Who Knows or Not.

And There ain't No Way I Wouldn't Say It: I HAVE THE GREATEST PARENTS IN THE WORLD:

Robert & Connie*

~*My Dad Is A King And My Mother Is An Angel*~

My Parents are more Powerful than the Federal Reserve. I would not Doubt it if Some Day, the world knew it.

I Thought of Who I Miss and Wish To Be Included for These Dreamy Days. Never Meant to Leave*

The First Day I Was Here, A Woman Met Me & Within 10 Minutes, She Guessed a Lot About Me...

And She Gave Me This. A Piece Of Paper. It Read...

How To Be An Artist

Stay Loose. Learn to watch snails. Plant impossible gardens. Invite someone dangerous to tea. Make little signs that say YES! And post them all over your house. Make friends with freedom and uncertainty. Look forward to dreams. Cry during movies. Swing as high as you can on a swingset, by moonlight. Cultivate moods. Refuse to “be responsible.” Do it for love. Take lots of naps. Give money away. Do it now. The money will follow. Believe in magic. Laugh a lot. Celebrate every gorgeous moment. Take moon baths. Have wild imagings. Transform dreams, and perfect calm. Draw on walls. Read everyday. Imagine yourself magic. Giggle with children. Listen to old people. Open up. Dive in. Be free. Bless yourself. Drive away fear. Play with everything. Entertain your inner child. You are innocent. Build a fort with blankets. Get wet. Hug trees. Write love letters.


Peace is not something you wish for; it is something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give others.


Create understanding and appreciation for our differences that raises confidence and dignity while inspiring mutual trust, personal responsibility, increased cooperation, and greater acceptance as unique individuals.

(Peace and Friendship Were From The Book: Men are from Mars, Women are From Venus)

A Determined Person*

A Determined Person*
Yet, I Had A Lot On My Mind...

After I Wrote The Beginning in 8th Grade; A Decade Later, In My Inauguration, It Was Said...

"Taking The human species to a newer and higher stage of development can never be performed by men in the mass. It is always performed by the few exceptional individuals who break through the stereotypes and assert their own idiosyncratic selves. In consequence, the men who carry the evolutionary drive in them are bound to seem unreasonable to their fellows, and to be unreasonable by existing standards. They speak for the virtue of an unbreakable, concentrated, and eccentric vision; for ecstasy, and for the power of an original mind to draw the world after it."

"They Do Not Seek Agreement With Others."

Fredrick Nietzsche

She Rushed Up From the Waters

"Lucky We Were Both That Far Away So We Could both Make Fun Of Distance"


The Word 'Vida' Means Discovery...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Scuba, History, Hilter, Bush, Machiavelli, Dr. Suess, & Dark Knowledge of Old

Today was my first scuba class. I am gonna be certified as a Scuba Diver and Under-Water Explorer. This was such a blast to me. I literally was underwater with a scuba tank strapped on my back. I was actually breathing underwater for the first time IN MY LIFE. I had very vivid, interesting dreams about being, and BREATHING underwater when I was in Ireland. Here in the tropical Caribbean Islands, I was actually underwater for like, 45 minutes at a time. I took myself to the bottom of the water off shore a little ways. I was swimming with schools of shiny fish. I saw sea urchins. And I kept swimming’ with fins along the bottom sands of the underwater shores. The water was as warm as comfortable bath water or mild hot-spas. I was bewildered and blown-away. I’m totally pumped about becoming a scuba diver because soon enough, I will be leaving these Islands and going into explorations under-water, far from the shores of these badass beaches.

I kinda broke a steel scuba tank though. I didn’t mean to at all. It was an accident. Apparently I man-handled it more than I knew or should’ve, and I didn’t mean to at all. I just cranked the tank to close the valve. I ended up bustin’ it because I cranked it too hard when I thought I was just closing it. Just an accident. But after I busted that tank, I apologized to my instructor and let him know I didn’t mean to do that at all.

Later that day I went to my History Course for World Civilization. This was absolutely incredible to me. It had a lot to do with the European Enlightenment and Renaissance. This is one of the most badass courses I’ve ever had. I’m thrilled to learn about all of these things because it has a lot to do with all the Protestant Monarchs, the Middle-East, The Age of Reformation and Religious Wars, as well as Trans-Atlantic Economy. Of all the things I read, I asked the Professor (Mr. Francis) of things about the Crusades because what I read in the text book was a lot different than what I knew to be true. It was different than the way I had always construed it. And I told him that I wanted him to speak about the 4 Crusades but more importantly, I was interested in Machiavelli because what it acknowledged in this text book was only about 5 % of what I knew regarding this historical figure. I started to speak of what I knew regarding Machiavelli.

“I find it crazy that this text book only acknowledged certain things. It didn’t even allude to how he faked his death after he wrote a book that was a very ‘cut-throat’ way to conduct a kingdom. He wrote The Prince and became a marked man for it. He knew this too and so he faked his death. To everyone else as well as his kingdom, and for all the people who hated him though he knew what he was doing, he was dead. When he came back 7 years later and showed himself to be alive after he wrote such a powerful book about how to lead a kingdom in ways that embraced fear more than love, it was the craziest shit ever…”

He found it interesting that I mentioned such things because the text book only tapped on the subject. Long ago, when I was a teenager, me and my badass Uncle Rick were really close with each other. He was (and still is) a man of a lot of hard-core knowledge. He always possessed such incredible wisdom of things oriented around spirituality, history, religion, life, war… There wasn’t anything I couldn’t talk to him about that he wouldn’t have an awesome insight for. When I had mentioned Machiavelli to him, he looked me right in my eyes and said, “That’s very interesting coming from YOU.” I felt some kind of unknown premonition about that moment. So much that I can remember it like it was yesterday.

Later in the class about a half hour after it all, my professor began to speak of the infamous dictator that conducted his Reich. Hitler. I told him, “You know how they always say that history repeats itself?” He was in absolute agreement. He IS a historian. I took the floor for pointing out something about Hitler.

I said, “Hitler did the same thing in 1933 that George Bush and Prick Cheney did in 2001 with 9/11.”

Everybody in the class looked at me. The professor's attention became very sharp to what I was about to say.

I continued, “Some time after Hitler was elected as Chancellor of Germany (he was a very powerful speaker who had attractive virtues), in 1933, he burned down his own Reich Stag Building and blamed another other religion and used this event as means to justify a necessary and enhanced enactment of “National Security.” Then he began to expand his militia in the name of National Security, implementing war for his conquests. See… In 2001, George Bush and that Prick Dick Cheney did the same thing. They let the C.I.A. fund something they welcomed to have happen because in turn, this event was used as an excuse to launch a pre-emptive war that was ultimately for raping an oil resource at IRAQ. The Twin Towers AND the pentagon are on the $20 bill if you’d know how to make it visible. The government of the United States attacked and killed more than 3000 of their own people so they could have a reason to pass anti-terrorism legislation and validate that bullshit patriot act, which granted the government a "reason" (excuse) to invade every
American's privacy. And they blamed Bin Laden so that it would seem justified to conquer another land of rich oil, which was ultimately done for the sake of control, whether humanity knows it or not. 9/11 at the beginning of this millennium, it was a prelude to a higher level of imperialism that was to trigger the New World Order. So far it has been successful too. The evil people who control the World Powers through things like: The Federal Reserve, The Free Masons, The Bush Dynasty, just World Banking in general; they all play a part in creating a hierarchy that has literally raised a profit margin that will last forever as they have literally raped America's 'middle-class wallet' for the gas prices over these events. Subsequently, they came up with over more than at least 60 BILLION dollars. It is all leading up to those Mayan codes and catastrophes that most of humanity is ignorant about. But as long as people know less, maybe they are better off I guess…”

My professor said, “As you have spoke of Machiavelli, that would be a good report for you. You would be excellent to do your semester research paper on Machiavelli because history repeated itself with the figure he lead as well.”

I said, “I don’t know of anyone who became a Prince, wrote a blueprint for an affective way to conduct a kingdom in a very fear-oriented, cut-throat way, then literally faked his death once he knew he was a target for these tactics, then came back after 7 years showing himself to be alive when all the religious leaders and monarchs believed him to be dead for the intellectually ruthless example he lead. I’ve never heard of that shit at all other than Niccolo Machiavelli. When he wrote The Prince, he established a very powerful way to run a region or people. It was deemed to be a Satanic document because it over-threw a lot of the things that were relative to ‘The Church and State,’ or it over-threw a lot of Monarchs discretion about ‘Divine Right’ or what might have derived from Vatican Vaults.”

Mr. Francis began to speak of something he was sure to leave unclear. This book he spoke of was a tangible example of the historical Machiavelli figure repeating itself in a way. Granted, this is nothing concrete when he is expressing it as a historian perspective. But he acknowledged a volume that was the book of Satan and how the man who wrote this book went into hiding and attempted to take himself off the map once his work was into the world. Apparently this book disrespected the fate (or faith) of the Muslims. It was cryptic how he brought it up but alluded away from speaking who the author was or what the actual title of the book is. I found out in the internet that this book could not have been published in America. It was refused by every company of publication situations within the United States. The man who wrote this book had it published in London (which was the New York of the world back when Great Britain was deemed to be the most incredible and hugest World Power). Though it was called a ‘Book of Satan,’ I have not read it but it was acknowledged to me to be a biography of Muhammad. Some people hear the word ‘Satan’ and think of the villain that is contrary to the Bible. The ultimate scapegoat Christianity has used for about 2 millenniums now. I found out that this book my professor was speaking of in correlation to history repeating itself, it is a volume called, “The Satanic Versus.” I told my professor, “Oh, ok. I have that Book in my library at home.” He didn’t seem surprised. I would not associate it with nihilistic blasphemy, or synical descriptions that most people would be quick to think of just basing an impression from the title. I mean, I’ve read some of things that were very contrary to Christianity. I own the Satanic Versus though it is nothing I hold an opinion of… But of all these books within what could be viewed as ‘dangerous,’ ‘bad,’ or whatever other pessimistic description… Dr. Suess was an anarchist. Most people wouldn’t know that though because they see his books to be child-like and elementary-entertaining. Little did they know that if they were to seriously cipher a lot of the subliminal implications in his books, they might find chaos and disorder. But about those books that can be considered 'dark,' I've always been very Lord-oriented anyways. I just don't restrict my realms of knowledge or wisdom within particular perimeters based on the beliefs I'm already anchored with. I guess that is a pinnacle virtue about being open-minded. It's what expands your perspectives about things. I honestly don't know many people who know about the same things I do about the Bible, how it came to print, and why certain books were forbidden.

Shortly after, when class was over, my professor spoke to me personally and found out how I write books through the internet. They are just as much diaries as they are books though. He found out about my near-death experience and how I was a student at I.A.D.T. in Ireland outside of Dublin. Then we both had to carry on about our objectives.

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